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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Pagoda Pandamonium

Pagoda Pandamonium has begun!  Build the limited edition Chinese Pagoda before time runs out.

Pagoda Pandemonium

Level 1 gets you the Chinatown Underbelly Boots: 250 / 382
Level 2 gets you the Chinatown Underbelly Blade: 400 / 456
Level 3 gets you the Chinatown Underbelly Tech Bow: 550 / 627
Level 4 gets you the Chinatown Underbelly Car: 850 / 755
Level 5 gets you the Chinatown Underbelly Vest: 750 / 1930
Level 6 gets you the Chinatown Underbelly: 1500 / 1282
Level 7 gets you the Chinatown Underbelly: 1431 / 2100
Level 8 gets you the Chinatown Underbelly: 2800 / 1587
Level 9 gets you the Chinatown Underbelly: 3000 / 2350
Level 10 gets you the Chinatown Underbelly Drifter: 5700 / 5000
credit to: Beardy and dart