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Friday, May 10, 2013

The Hit Lists

The Hit Lists event has started!  Complete the Hit Lists before the event ends to win the exclusive Hitman's Shotgun!
Hitman's Shotgun

Goal 1 :Tap on pookie gardin / benny moretti
Reward: Assasin Tonfas (29/20) 5 exp

Goal 2: Defeat 5 rivals / rob 5 laundromat
Reward: $1000 1 brick 10 exp

Goal 3: Tap on Agent Stone
Reward: Deadly Shuriken( 42/27) 15 exp

Goal 4 : Defeat 10 Rivals/ rob 5 pizza parlors
Reward: 100 respect 20 + (10 for robbing , 30 for rivals)

Goal 5 :Barbershop ( 10 exp) & Fat Micky (45*4 =180exp)
Reward: Siege launcher (70/42) 25 Exp

Goal 6 : Defeat 15 Rival/ rob 1 pawn shop
Reward:4000, brick and 30 exp ( 45exp & 3exp)

Goal 7 : tap on lin /perry rickles/mac savage/ statue liberty (441 Energy)
Reward: Cheytac Sniper Rifle (85 / 64)

Goal 8 : Defeat 20 rival / 5 deli's
Reward - 400respect and 1 brick

Goal 9 :
Reward Bloody Retribution - gun 124/60

Goal 10: Defeat 25 Rivals/ 5 gas stations
Reward :Prize $7500 and a brick

Goal 11 :Empire Square, hit Big Time Reni and Eschelman Tower (570 Energy)
Reward: Titanium Faceguard - armor 62/168

Goal 12 : Defeat 30 rivals/5 dinners
Reward brick: 30 exp

Goal 13 : Docks ( Longshoreman perez/longshoreman Fletcher/captain Smitz)- (852 Energy)
Reward: pump launcher 155/120 65 exp

Goal 14 : Defeat 35 Rivals
Reward $10,000, 70 exp

Goal 15: Soho ( coffee shop/toshiro Taknenaska/yoshimi saito)- (1092 Energy)
Reward: cyclops night vision 139A 194D

Goal 16 : Defeat 40 Rivals & Rob 10 souvenirs Store
Reward: 1000 Respect and a brick , 80 Experience

Goal 17 :Libery park ( Freddy Consenxa, Nicky Kneecaps and Fiorella Ricci) - (1326 Energy)
Reward: Enzo speeder 212/212, 85 Experience

Goal 18 : Defeat 45 Rivals/ 5 barbershops
Reward:12,500 90 exp brick

Goal 19 :West Side (Ronnie Cohen,Papa Spiros) - (1568 Energy)
Reward: steel grenades 294/141- 95 Exp

Goal 20 : Defeat 50 Rivals & 5 Electronics Store
Reward: 1250 Respect 100 exp and brick

Goal 21 :Otto pennig ( shoreline) - (1160 Energy)
Reward: browning .50 cal 160/319

Goal 22: Defeat 55 Rivals and rob 10 Arcades

Goal 23: Midtown(Diner, Movie Theater, Pizza Parlor, Dr,. Brauer, Steak House, Don Ricci)
Rewards: Sharpshooter's Rifle (300/210), 115XP

Goal 24: Defeat 60 & Rob 8 Fish stores.

Goal 25: Artist's Quarter (Jobs: Spider Horton, Julian Crayon, Coco van Winkle, Chet Grimes, Aleksa Satyev, Yuri Prokhorov)
Rewards:Stolen Concept Car (285/234)

Goal 26: defeat 65 rivals & rob 10 Chinese restaurants

Goal 27 Fish Market (Jobs: Emma Edens, Alonzo Prather, Nat Kinney)
Rewards Mob Limo (240/355)

Goal 28: defeat 70 Rivals & rob 5 bagel shops.

Goal 29 District Jobs: Dick Wicked, Dirty Gerty, Johnny Moronic, Sports Bar
Rewards: 145XP, Timed Explosive (250/371)

Goal 30: defeat 75 rivals

Goal 31: Southend Projects, Jobs: Biggie Willis and Chazmo Parker
Rewards: silver streak 360/310 (car)

Goal 32: defeat 80 rivals

Goal 33: Junkyard (Jobs: Joe the Scrapmaster, The Chemist, Hannibal Cooke, Mean Machine Cooke )
Rewards: boss' limo 290/440

Goal 34: defeat 85 rivals & 5 seafood restaurants

Goal 35:
Rewards: cobra elite rifle 460/330

Goal 36: Defeat 90rivals and rob 3 meat factories
Rewards : 180xp, 2500 respect and a brick

Goal 37: Circuit city (Jobs: Knuckles Bevilaqua and Junior Genova)
Rewards : 180 xp and Prototype Speedster (492A 318D)

Goal 38: defeat 95 rivals and rob 10 Sports bars
Rewards : 190xp, 30,000$ and a brick

Goal 39: Seaside (Jobs: Francesca Bevilaqua, Buttons Genova and Don Genova)
Rewards: 190 xp and TNT Blaster Bomb (749A 431D)

Goal 40: 100 rivals and 10 MT
Rewards: Hitman's Shotgun (2200A 2000D)

Elite mode-prizes 
Level 1: Infiltrator Shotgun 37/21
Level 3: Reinforced Ballistic Armor 40/73
Level 5: Assassin's coat 55/126
Level 7: Anti-air Missile Launcher 143/106
Level 9: Laser Rifle 178/162
Level 11: Hideout Blaster 140/335 (explosive)
Level 13: Midnight Sports Car 330/270
Level 15: Frenzy Sniper Rifle 440/355
Level 17: Silent Justice 443/511 (gun)
Level 19: ARP 20x 720/388 (gun)

Hit Lists
Credit to: Bala82