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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Toy Box, Not For Kids Limited Time Building

The Toy Box Adult Store Limited Time Building is now available!
Build the limited edition building before time runs out to earn an exclusive prize, The Escort's Ride.

The Escort's Ride

Level 1: Output $275,000 at 12 hour payouts. Cost $35 million. Build time 24 hours.
Prize: Passions Party Favor; 402/298

Level 2: Output $550,000. Cost $58,450,000.
Upgrade time 30 hours. 
Prize: Red Light Scrapper, melee 518/416

Level 3: Output $962,500. Cost $97,300,000.
Upgrade time 36 hours. 
Prize: Hot Night, explosive, 823/461

Level 4: Output $1,512,500. Cost $162,750,000.
Upgrade time 42 hours. 
Prize: Secret Identity, armor, 750/1000

Level 5: Output $2,200,000. Cost $271,950,000.
Upgrade time 48 hours. 
Prize: Red Light Gun, gun, 1233/1101

Level 6: Output $3,025,000. Cost $454,300,000.
Upgrade time 54 hours. 
Prize: Enforcer's Ride, car, 1457/1577

Level 7: Output $3,987,500 Cost $759,150,000.
Upgrade time 60 hours. 
Prize: Bombshell, explosive, 2256/1595

Level 8: Output $5,087,500. Cost $1,267,700,000.
Upgrade time 66 hours. 
Prize: Uninvited Guest, gun, 2552/2233

Level 9: Output $6,325,000. Cost 2,117,150,000.
Upgrade time 72 hours. 
Prize: Ringleader's Jacket, armor, 2530/3305

Level 10: Output $8,250,000 Cost $3,535,700,000.
Upgrade time 78 hours. 
Prize: Escort's Ride, car, 5930/5740

credit to: MattThomas08